Special Accommodation Offer for the 13th Motul Rally Kumrovec
We are proud to announce the 13th Motul Rally Kumrovec, taking place from September 5th to 7th, 2024. In collaboration with our long-term partner, Terme Tuhelj, we have secured an exceptional accommodation offer for rally participants and visitors. Terme Tuhelj, located just a 15-minute drive from the service park, offers a top-tier hotel with numerous […]
Posebna ponuda smještaja za 13. MOTUL Rally Kumrovec
S ponosom najavljujemo 13. MOTUL Rally Kumrovec, koji će se održati od 5. do 7. rujna 2024. godine. U suradnji s našim dugogodišnjim partnerom, Termama Tuhelj, sudionicima i posjetiteljima rallyja osigurali smo vrhunsku ponudu smještaja. Terme Tuhelj, smještene samo 15 minuta vožnje od servisnog parka, nude vrhunski hotel s brojnim sadržajima koji će vaš boravak […]
Rok Turk defends the title, Prodan overtook Šebalj at the last Stage
Slovenian crew Rok Turk and Blanka Kacin in Hyundai i20 Rally2 defended their title at Kärcher Rally Kumrovec. They’ve finished eleven demanding special stages finished 10.6 seconds ahead of Dominik Dinkel and Pirmin Winklhofer of Germany in Ford Fiesta Rally2. Third place went to Hungarians Andras Hadik and Krisztian Kertesz in Ford Fiesta R5 MkII with 1:30.7 off the winner’s time. […]
Rok Turk obranio naslov, Prodan na posljednjem brzincu prestigao Šebalja
Slovenska posada Rok Turk i Blanka Kacin u Hyundaiju i20 Rally2 obranila je naslov pobjednika Kärcher Rallyja Kumrovec. Jedanaest zahtjevnih brzinskih ispita završila je 10,6 sekundi prednosti ispred Dominika Dinkela i Pirmina Winklhofera u Fordu Fiesti Rally2. Treće mjesto izborili su Andras Hadik i Krisztian Kertesz u Fordu Fiesti R5 MkII s 1:30,7 slabijim vremenom od pobjednika. Nakon prave drame u […]